February The 14th Valentines day !

Monday, February 8, 2010

The man !! Was a creature with the most complicated relationships , With himself , with those around him , With nature , With , friends , Lifeless as well as lively relative of a man ! The man and the woman ! Alchemy , Magically mysterious , Representative manifestation of life ..to see itself in the most complicated form of anger , jealousy , love , frustrations , agonies ...and ..lust in an equal and perplexing measures !
Man ...had always been judgemental about the things he saw , May be ..His purpose in life , was to see things in life and call them by their right name ! The right , logical , mysterious name , the name that which was descriptive , relative and matching ..That which suited the way he intepreted what he saw ..felt ..smelt and imagined ! the names which people forget , dismiss , Yet would like to call ..Things , by their right name !
She had a name , so had he ! But her name was much more magical than his , Infact her name was so much more magical than any other name , Form ..
Her name was a beautiful morning in spring ! The Fragrance of fresh flowers , The streets of ..Mumbai , was touched by sunlight , No ..It was her name ! The clouds ..was her name ! she was the all encompassing name , the god ! No ..the godess . but Why was he in love , Why was I in love ! With this woman , or was it just her name , Or was it that her name was ..sacred because of his love ..Or is it that ..love was sacred because of her name ! ...
He felt good that he loved , he felt good about Mumbai ..She was busy all the time , She cared little , may be it was because he loved, May it was because it was her ! May be it was the mornings , The cruel phenomenon of life , which turned man one day older and towards ...death ..towards destiny ..Towards love , hatred and war , In equal and perplexing measures !
But why it was that he loved , I mean why the sunrise , sunset , and feeling of romance ! He wondered why , He felt this silent , all encompassing longing for her ..Her presence . He felt he could nt take it anymore ! ..Not a moment more . Not too soon too .. But she had asked him to wait .So he lived for her , Waiting ...just a prevention of his death ..
Wait but not now ..Not in this week , or the week next , She had class . She was studying ..She was growing up . Like a kid , Like his imagination , like his longing ..she was growing . She was growing into all he saw , All things which touched and caressed ..She was growing like this anger , frustration , compassion , kindness and love , Her growth was like that of a strange mysterious , heavenly fragrant lovely ....wordless exhaustion of a longing !! That which gets ..deeply sadened ..only because it loved more than it could contain .. More than he could contain .. May be all of this was love ..Or it was all because of her !
What was it about her ! was it her face he loved ? Could anyone be in love with a face , a symmetrical structure covering the brain , with eyes nose , . I wondered ..As he wondered ! or was it her eyes , The way it lightened up when she smiled , May be she was chinese , But she was a tamil ..Or is it her ..body he loved ..No ..Body was only flesh , No one could love a body ..not as the way it is . Was it her mind that he loved , I wondered ...as he wondered .. May it was soul .. Their soul ...
He loved it when they were together , When they were together , Togetherness had another dimension , Another strange mysterious prescence . That when they were together , They were not together as two individuals , but as one union with each others mystery , Only in equal and very perplexing terms ! . it was like a million possibilities , Kids and family , Only they fought , almost all the time they had a conversation , He secretly admired that she was intelligent as him , Equally strong in logic as with arguements , Or is it that he loved that he was as intelligent as her . Almost equal ..only perplexing ! ..He wondered , You know ...as much as I did ..
But she laughed ...Oh she laughed ..Oh so loudly ...Hooohaahhahhah aha ah ....
such loud noise .It could only be from her . No ..it was from love .. May be soul ..But who cares . It was like when she laughed , it was like this deep reverberation of his happiness . He became jealous , as she became the face of his happiness . But he loved it because it was her , Or was it ..that it was just a joy ..something sacred ..when you lose yourself to the one you love ..
But this creature , She had nt called him , Not since he was there , Near her . Not for atleast a month , may be more , May be she was busy , May be she did nt love .. It was the rule of love ..perhaps ..That the one who loves ..will always be abandoned ...ignored ..and ..deeply forgotten ..by the one which he loves ...
He wondered ..and so did I

Blogging is dead , Breathing its last breath ?

There has been a gradual and generally steady decline in the number of blogs being written , read and updated on a regular basis . It is but the general observation ..There are plenty of observable reasons with good logic behind this
Quality of blogs ..
The quality of blogs , I must have to say ..Would have got to be some what compromised . Yeah there are hub pages which turn out stunning and marvellous blogs every once in a while , Almost very creative each time and every time too . but on the whole , one things which can be observed is the general trend of repeating , even to the extend of being copied from other site / blogs . Different people come to blog with different intentions , It takes a lot of time , passion and ofcourse patience to have a good blog with nice following , And its quiet some pressure to actually produce readable , interesting content each time unless ofcourse it is controversial and very much debatable .
I have seen many blogs intentionally being offensive against a particular dogma just so that attention could be drawn , Yet I have also seen some genuinely good readable , thought provoking blogs which does nt have much readership . So I dont know to which approach to side with , Yet i do feel that ..at times , it does make some sense to have some of your thoughts being brought forward on issues and controversies !
The Hype and the reality ....
Most of the socially active people do tend to have a lot of creative thoughts , Which can be said also about creative people in general . Blogging was a wonderful medium to express your creative thoughts without , actually having to publish in a magazine or newspaper .
Regional blogging especially Language specific blogging has always been a really intense experience . An example would have to be Tamil blogging , I have been shocked and awed by the content and depth of the tamil blogs out there . Amazing stuff , regularly updated , Really alive blogging , Only in tamil . I find that those who write in regional language really tend to identify with what is being written and hence the camaradarie
English blogging, Is something with really great potential , Although seldom realised by regions other than US and UK ,
FaceBook Phenomenon !
Brain .. Inertia ! Inertia is the tendency of an object to remain in a state of rest or steady motion unless and until disturbed by an external force - Always We take the easy way . It is said , dont run if you can walk , Dont walk if you can sit ..and dont sit if you can blog ! and dont blog if you have twitter ..ANd to hell with Twitter , I rather facebook since I am a Lazy bum !
Facebook is easy , its fun , it really ruins / Spoils / and degrades any little creativity left in general populace !
With Facebook , It is generally the really embaressing and ill advisable yet personally gratifying format of blogging . Who wants to know . . . Unless if they are really caring , if you have been drinking with your friends , paragliding in Timbbaktu ..Facebook is filled with such small , insignificant details , yet there are some serious facebook profiles who do share some genuinly interesting Content , Like This Osho community in facebook . Plenty of generally Good stuff they provide , But mostly copied from elsewhere (if not Osho Himself )
I think This has been an age which is marked by a steady decline of thought process among the youth , It is indeed a fact that ..Most of the well established bloggers are either lonely and in the middle ages , having a lot of good / inspiring thoughts but no medium to express it ! Not so with the case with the Young and available with lots of nice good things to do (in night and afterwards too ) . Its like , Life is too busy that they could nt stop over and put in words (unless its 254 charectors In twitter )
The creativity in Twitter has reduced to the random dismissive quotes ! ( which is good and better than nothing ) And facebook , Aided massively by the visual and verbal assault of the updates ( photo updates , pokings , games ) has had become a really easy and viable alternative to ..Blogging ! Even at times eating the micro blogging pie as well !
It is indeed ..sad ..
That there are nt new age movements in philosphy , or literature ,
because now is the greatest of available oppurtunity with exposure to such easily accessible mass communication mediums to reach out to literally billions of like minded people ! Who might have similiar complimentary thoughts ! yet !! .. Are caught up .Stuck up ..being lost in facebook !